
I usually like to include a pic of me using the product I write about, but in this case, well, umm…


“Bushbalm is beneficial to the pubic region,” says Rachel Kerr, Director of Brand and Marketing, yet she is quick to add that it certainly isn’t limited to one area or grooming preference. “You can use Bushbalm whether you trim, groom, remove or do nothing to the hair on your body,” she says. “Our oils take care of skin, including highly sensitive areas that have been largely avoided in the skincare market, and they’re made with 100% natural ingredients, right here in Ontario.”

The current line offers four blends that effectively help prevent and treat ingrown hairs, while also moisturizing, calming razor burn, soothing irritations and treating dark spots. All are vegan, cruelty-free and suitable for every skin type.


“Pumpkin Spice” was the first Bushbalm I tried and I have to admit, I normally cringe at the thought of this scent (for me, it conjures cheap, cloying candles). This blend couldn’t be further from that. It’s formulated with clove, nutmeg and cinnamon oils, yet retains an undeniable airiness – kind of like an all-natural version of YSL’S Opium with a fresh shot of Dentyne thrown in. It is delicious as a lip balm and hardworking as well; clove oil is a powerful anti-aging ingredient; nutmeg is anti-bacterial. It’s a special-edition with a limited inventory so, if you’re interested, scoop it up now.

“Nude” is the signature treatment oil that has a slight scent of tea tree oil – it smells soft and really clean and I love to use it on my elbows and heels.

“Bermuda Oil” is a best-seller. I apply it to the tips of my hair – it’s incredibly moisturizing without being greasy. I haven’t used it yet for trying to fade dark spots, scars and hyperpigmentation but that is what it’s prized for and that’s what makes it a best-seller (the online reviews are glowing).

“Sweet Escape” is known for its fantastic smell which is vanilla-heavy and on the sweeter side, with hints of sugar. Like the other blends, it can be applied under arms, on eyebrows, cuticles and anywhere skin needs a bit of care. Pair it with its sister exfoliating scrub (each jar is filled by hand) and you’re in baby-soft-skin business.


“All of our oils, with the exception of Bermuda Oil, are non-comedogenic (meaning they will not clog pores), so they’re safe for men and women to use on the face and neck, as well as the body,” says Rachel.

The men who founded Bushbalm, David Gaylord and Tim Burns, were inspired by the efficacy of beard oil, and how much Tim’s wife loved the smell of his beard oil on him – thus the focus on Bushbalm’s wonderful scents. The brand is going from strength to strength and the entrepreneurs will be on Dragon’s Den tomorrow, Thursday, at 9pm to see if they can take it to the next level (post Dragon’s Den update: they did it!!).

Rachel couldn’t be more excited for the opportunity and the forum. “Everyone gets ingrowns and everyone should be okay seeking out products that help,” she says. “I hope targeted skincare becomes less of a sensitive subject and that more people feel okay talking about it.”

I’m working on it, Rachel, really I am! And in the meantime, my Bushbalm-pampered lips, hair, elbows and feet are super soft, olfactory delights.
